

There are multiple ways to embed images in PDFs, and you can choose the most suitable method for your needs.

Upload from Dashboard

You can upload image files from dashboard > files and reference them in your HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="sample.png" alt="Sample image" />

This method is suitable for images that are fixed in PDFs, such as logos. Once uploaded, images can be reused in different PDF generations. Note that subdirectory paths (e.g., images/sample.png) are not supported, and all the following notations refer to the same sample.png:

<!-- All of these refer to the same file -->
<img src="sample.png" alt="Sample image" />
<img src="./sample.png" alt="Sample image" />
<img src="/sample.png" alt="Sample image" />

External Image References

You can directly reference images that are already hosted on the internet.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="https://example.com/images/sample.png" alt="External image" />

Base64 Encoding

For dynamically generated images or when you need to embed different images for each PDF, you can include Base64 encoded image data directly in the HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="..." alt="Base64 image" />

This method is suitable for:

  • Embedding dynamically generated images such as QR codes
  • Displaying different images for each user